It's funny in an odd way, to look back on life to about 8 years ago and see how much people,(not only yourself...meaning me) have changed. Some for the better and some in ways that you.... I never thought could change. I can remember being in High School and hating it. But lately I've been thinking about how simple life was back then. How much fun it was and how carefree we all were. I see today that some of the same people I knew then haven't changed drastically,while others have done a 360. I think it just proves that it doesn't matter who we were in high school or how everyone saw us as or how we saw others, I think what matters is how we see ourselves today. We are all victims to change no matter if its drastic or graduall. It gets to us ALL when the time is right.
I know that I've changed a lot in the past 8 years and I can only be grateful that I have. I think of the typical question...."If you could go back and change anything in High School, would you and what would you change?" Now there are many answers to this two-part question. I'm on the fence with some of them. I guess my first answer would be nothing, I wouldn't do anything different, because everything I did before brought me to what I'm doing now. Then my second answer would be... I would've stayed on track with college. Making it a bigger priority in my life.....Oh and getting the tatoos on my ankles higher more like on my thighs so that they don't irritate me so now :) Those would be the only changes I would make, because all the things I did and said and thought, did bring me to where I am now and though my life isn't perfect and I'm not perfect, and I have a lot of things that I still want to do and strive to be better at, mentally, physically, emotionally and all the ally's I can think of I truly am happy with the me that I've become. Change is just as constant in our lives as Love is. NOW..... I can't wait to be a victim of LOVE Bwahahahahahahaha
Happy Reading!!!