Saturday, August 29, 2009

What can I do? I'm only in a wheelchair!!!!

So tonight was like any other night except I wasn't with my good friend Krissa :( Totally missed her though!! I happened to be with my other friend Elizabeth :) We decided to escape from our prison's called home and go to the dollar theater at Superstition Springs Mall. Our showing was for the 9:40pm Star Trek!! We both hadn't seen it and decided that it was probably going to be AWESOME. Since our movie didn't start until 9:40pm we decided to wander the mall and look at some stuff. Elizabeth needed to buy a new under shirt and I love looking at accessories. I actually bought a necklace that's hot pink and new silver earrings,well the earrings were cheap and broke about 20 minutes ago, anyways we wanted to get something to eat real quick so we went to the food court and had a quick bite, on a side note I absolutely love 'Paradise Bakery' So we finished and saw it was time to go to our movie. We got there and noticed a man(without a shirt on) and a women sitting in the first couple seats on the right side with 2 young boys. Of course I needed the handy-capped spot and we sat in the most top row in the first 2 seats, me being in the outer chair. Right before our movie started the man was asked by security to 'Please put on a shirt'. Well our movie was starting and about 30 minutes into the movie the man I had mentioned before decided that he needed to voice every thought that came into his head. I naturally thought that he might just be showing off for his girl,but nope, I was dead wrong! During the ENTIRE movie that man made vulgar comments about some of his body parts and used the 'F-word' every other word. I'm quite used to hearing it, but I seriously thought that I had never heard it used more in 2 hours than my entire life! By this time a few people tried staring at him and some shushed him,but that did no good. Finally I decided to take action and I bravely got up and into my wheelchair and left the theater to find a manager. I had enough of hearing the things coming out of his mouth. I of course told the manager and while they went to talk with him I used the restroom, and call my older and big tough brother,Jason, on my cell. I pretty much told him that I might die for telling on that man.He of course laughed at me for doing what my mother taught me to do. On my way back to the theater I passed the manager and they said that they spoke with him and told him if he didn't stop that he would have to leave. Well I got into the theater and the man asked me "Hey, do you need any help?" I of course replied " No thank you, I got it" and smiled. You think that was the end of his little show? Wrong!! Way wrong. He then decided that it would be much more fun to just make every comment he had about me. He said things like"I'm gonna take that wheelchair and do 360's and go down hills and have sex in it and take it from me." My maternal instincts towards my wheelchair took over and I swiftly folded it up and took hold of it firmly. A few minutes of silence took over but didn't last long. He then got up and came over to me and did something I wasn't expecting he said"I'm sorry about what I said, I can be a jerk" He then shook mine and Elizabeth's hands. We nodded at him and he left. I suddenly and instinctively wiped my hand on my pants. I remembered what he had said about his body parts :( I know that's disgusting. A short time later the movie ended and as a few people were leaving a few of them came to me and asked me if I had been fighting with the man? I told them the truth and said no and that I didn't know the man at all and was just tired of hearing his vulgar mouth. They said thanks and told me good job for standing up to him. I laughed at that cause its not like standing is an easy thing for me at the moment :) I wish so that the tail had ended there, but of course it doesn't. We got to the parking lot and there was my good old friend yelling at his lady friend and hurting her physically. Elizabeth and I were concerned about leaving her alone with him. My sympathy for people who put themselves in the life of someone like that is very slim. But non-the-less, We waited to see what would happen. What did happen was... Someone had called the cops (not me or Elizabeth) someone from the movie theaters, I think. Well they came and handled the situation. We left, not wanting to be in over our heads. It was a very exciting night and it was fun at the same time. I hope that guy can change his ways and same with that girl. I hated having to be the one to stand up (so-to-speak) to him. But honestly sitting there and listening to that guy it did frighten me that he might do something to me. I had heavenly father there with me. I did! I know it, I asked him to help me be brave enough to stop him from being obscene. I love my life. It is hard to say that sometimes, but I know that things happen for a reason and I truly hope that if anyone ever sees or hears, what I saw and heard, that they too will do what they can to stop it. It was an adventure, and I did it all in a wheelchair!!! :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Longing and Tragedy!!!

I wrote these about a year ago :) I hope you like them!!

The Longing-

Some say that the longing for something/someone is only the art of wanting what was once there, but the truth to it is, that you actually long for the things that make your toes curl,your heart race,and gut wrenching feelings and the people who have impacted your life on an astronomical level where you cannot define them as anything other than important to you. I believe that as we engage ourselves in the art of longing we become those feelings and just as important to ourselves and those around us that it would be hard to actually never long for them. So if we all take a part in the art of longing we are able to see that its a lot like love and being loved and giving love.

-Amanda Branson


Tragedies happen! What are you going to do? Give up, quit? NO! When your heart breaks you have to fight like hell to stay alive. Cause you are, and the pain that your feeling, thats life and the confusion and fear thats there, is to remind you that somewhere out there, there is something better and its worth the fight! As we strain to grasp the things we desire with what we think will make our lives better, we ignore what truely matters like, friendships, family, love. The things we probably already had. Yes, losing your hearts desire is tragic, but gaining it is all you can hope for. If having love is tragic then give me tragedy, I wouldn't give it up for anything!

-Amanda Branson

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I wrote this tell me what you think!!

Okay so one morning about a week ago I stayed up to watch the sunrise. I don't know what came over me but I hurriedly grabbed paper and a marker(The only thing near me) and wrote this down....

Today is August 1st and for the first time in a long time I watched the sun rise. Its almost a whisper of light before the breaking of dawn. Sitting and staring out the window with the morning breeze flowing through the leaves on the late summer trees, I think today will be a beautiful day. As a wave of light touches the morninig sky and brightens the day with an eternal glow, I know that life is a creation that knows no end. Today is August 1st and I'm glad fo it to begin.

-Amanda Branson

Its different but I have no idea why I thought of these things. It helps to write down your thoughts no matter how different they are.